Updated for contract year 2018-2020
The online courses described in this website have been developed by professional educators to meet the license and certificate renewal needs of elementary and secondary teachers in states that require approved points for teacher certification or license renewal. In addition, some school districts are allowing their teachers to use these courses to qualify for a "step over on the pay scale". Although these courses are mostly disciplined based, they also contain pedagogical elements to assist teachers with subject delivery in the classroom. Each course contains resources and projects teachers can use in their classrooms.
Please review the courses on this main website. If you find any courses of interest, please check with your local school administrator and board for license or certificate renewal approval of the course/s.
1. Student chooses a JAM course/s and emails choice to JAM jam.education@yahoo.com
2. JAM instructor gives student access to the course/s
3. Student successfully completes course
4. JAM instructor sends the student's grade to the college
5. Student contacts LCC using information provide by JAM to complete enrollment
6. Student pays enrollment fees
7. Student's college transcript with 4 credit hours and grade becomes available to student
8. Student renews license :-)
Please contact us if you have any questions.